Laser-assisted liposuction is a procedure that can get rid of fat cells using the energy from laser beams. This treatment is particularly effective at targeting the little pockets of fat behind loose or sagging skin, such as those found in areas like the neck, abs, hips, and thighs.
How Does Laser-Assisted Liposuction Work?
This treatment utilizes a small tube and a special laser, known as a cannula. Because it uses a laser beam, there is less bleeding from blood vessels in the fat you are targeting. This procedure works by using lasers to liquefy fat under your skin and remove it. During this process, you can also experience some other benefits which can help improve the appearance of your skin.
Collagen is the tissue that lends structure to your skin. As its ages, your skin begins to sag and wrinkle, losing its elasticity and suppleness. The energy from lasers like those used in laser-assisted liposuction can help stimulate your collagen production. This treatment can help your skin to regain some of its firmness and improve its overall look.
Thanks to the advantages of laser technology, laser-assisted liposuction patients tend to experience lower amounts of bruising and shorter recovery times than patients treated with more traditional methods of liposuction.
What can Assisted Liposuction Do?
The first thing to understand about laser-assisted liposuction is that it is not a weight-loss tool but a way to help improve the contours of your body in certain areas that may not respond to regular diet and exercise. The most common treatment areas include:
- Hips
- Abdomen
- Chin
- Cheeks
- Buttocks
- Knees
- Thighs
- Upper Arms
- Neck
- Waist
Is This Treatment Effective and Safe?
Numerous studies have shown laser-assisted liposuction to be a solution for removing small areas of body fat safely and effectively. Recovery is usually quick, thanks to the outpatient nature of the procedure.
Is Laser Liposuction Painful?
We can help eliminate discomfort during the liposuction procedure thanks to the use of an anesthetic. The type of anesthetic we use will depend on the extent of your procedure. If your procedure involves multiple treatments that are more invasive, you may opt for a general anesthetic. If you are only targeting a very small area, then a local anesthetic is usually all that is needed.
Whatever your needs are, a professional plastic surgeon can select the right anesthetic to minimize discomfort and help your procedure go smoothly.
Does Laser Liposuction Permanently Remove Fat?
Yes, this procedure does permanently remove fat from your body, but if you continue to gain weight after the treatment, new fat is created. Laser liposuction works best with people who already have good skin elasticity and tone, but who would like to remove some fat from certain areas.
If your skin molds itself easily into new contours, you may be an ideal candidate for liposuction. If you have loose-fitting skin in the area you would like to treat; liposuction may need to be combined with other methods, such as a facelift or a tummy tuck.
You will need to be at least 18 years old and in good overall health to get liposuction if you have healthy circulatory and immune systems as well to be a good candidate. If you have any questions about laser-assisted liposuction and whether you might be a good candidate, contact our office today. We would love to help!